Happy Customers Come Back
Built, tested, and refined over 6 years and 10,000+ conversions, Click to Buy Services is the only solution that can marry the comfort of the traditional shopping cart experience with the needs of the home service industry. Some of the benefits Click to Buy Services provides to improve the customer experience include:
Confirm Customers Are Good Fits
Qualifying Questions
Ask appropriate upfront questions to get more information and create more robust pricing estimates and customer profiles.
Disqualifying Questions
Avoid bad leads, disgruntled patrons, and wasted time & energy by asking questions that can immediately disqualify homeowners that aren’t ready to buy, don’t have enough information to accurately show prices, aren’t good fits, or simply need to find a different company.
Service Area Validation
Ensure you aren’t wasting a customer’s time by validating that you can indeed service their location before they get too deep in the process or worse complete the request only to later find out that they’re out of bounds.