Take a Breather & Let Click to Buy

Streamline Operations

Easy Management & Automations

Click to Buy is very easy to update and is designed to be quickly managed by your team, without any need for coding. With our custom setup, built-in automation, and connectivity with Zapier, ongoing management is a breeze.

Easy-to-Use Controls

Once up and running, your team can easily take over the ongoing updates of services, pricing, options, and user management.

Consolidated Order Management

Click to Buy stores all of your estimates, one-time orders, and initial recurring orders in one place and allows you to view comments from your staff on completed actions or next steps.

Order Dashboard

Keeping track of your best-selling services, average monthly purchases, and annual recurrent revenue has never been easier. Each location in Click to Buy has its own centralized dashboard to see where you’re winning.

Service Cloning

Click to Buy’s unique cloning ability allows for the duplication of services between cities to streamline the setup of new cities as you grow. This eliminates duplicate content entry and testing to expedite the whole process.

Email Confirmations

Click to Buy keeps provides your team and your customers with an automated receipt of the check-out and ensures that everyone has a clear understanding of what’s included. These emails are also branded with your logo and colors to start the experience off on the right foot.

Built to Scale With You

From Single Service to Service Empire

Whether your business is hyper-focused on one specific service or has a national footprint with dozens of service offerings, Click to Buy can grow with your organization. Built specifically for the home services industry, Click to Buy is intended to help your business move forward and grow whether you want to stay small or build an empire.

Robust Roles & Permissions

We understand that there is a wide variety of ways that owners, managers, and team members might need access. As such, Click to Buy offers granular user permissions on a city-by-city basis to ensure all the right people have access to and can make changes to all of the right service offerings.

Easy Toggling Between Cities

Whether you have two cities or 200, Click to Buy provides clear visibility into each city’s services and sales. Additionally, Stripe will allow your team to quickly toggle between accounts to manage invoices, payments, and refunds.

Rolling Delivery of New Features

Click to Buy Services gets better every day. As new features and functionality come online, your account, where appropriate, will automatically receive upgrades at no additional cost.

Marketing Friendly

Marketing Agencies Love Click To Buy

From in-house marketing personnel to outside digital agencies, Click to Buy is built to enhance marketing activities and streamline the conversion process to provide less friction, more flexible options, and solid business data.

Better, Centralized Customer Data

Click to Buy Services captures a more comprehensive set of homeowner data than your normal request a quote form. It also validates this data along the way to ensure that addresses are correct, phone numbers are completed, and homeowners are in your serviceable areas. In addition to better data, Click to Buy allows your marketing team to easily view & export customer data for direct marketing efforts to build lists, provide coupons, and notify them about new services.

Direct Service Targeting

Click to Buy Services automatically creates direct links for every location, service category, and service. This allows your marketing team to easily direct customers, ads, and promotions to the right place at the right time.

Cross-Domain Tracking

Easily apply your company’s Google Tag Manager code to each Click to Buy account to streamline the tracking of all of the essential metrics.

Features that help Improve Customer Service >

technician with toolbox shaking hands with a homeowner

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And finally let homeowners Click to Buy your home services online.

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